Last month I shared about the fence post that I had thought had “sprouted”. But, upon closer examination I found that the post wasn’t alive. Instead another tree was growing up alongside it. I was disappointed, but my disappointment quickly gave way to curiosity.

Fortunately, my contact at the Forest Service had a friend who served as their ‘tree lifeline’ when stumped (pun intended). So my email was forwarded to a local county extension agent. Again it was a couple of days before an answer was received. This time there was an identification, but I was left incredulous. Time for a second opinion!
So I sent yet another email and picture to a county extension agent in a neighboring county. And again, in a couple of days an answer was received. He agreed with the first agent – ‘Looks like poison ivy to me.’ Now, I’ve spent my fair share of time tromping around in the woods and have never seen a poison ivy tree. Everyone knows that poison ivy grows as a vine.
Doubt gave birth to more research... and sure enough, sometimes poison ivy grows up to be a small tree. (I’m still glad I didn’t grab a few leaves to use in the identification process!!!)
My poison ivy tree got me to thinking… Jesus once said, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” Matthew 7:15 There are so many things in life that fetch our attention, draw us in close, and don’t reveal their true nature until it is too late and we’ve been infected with ‘poison.’
Thoughts of ‘everyone is doing it’, ‘go for the gusto’, or ‘to each his own’ seem innocent at first, but if taken too far they inject their poison in the heart of man. A seemingly innocent decision can send us down a dangerous path: a drink may soon lead to others, a movie late at night and all alone in his/her apartment may put one in a dicey spot, or, a simple climb up the corporate ladder may push faith and family to the backburner. It's impossible to list all of the potential dangers, but suffice it to say the list would be long. So how can we stay out of harms way?
Jesus explained how to recognize threats before it is too late, “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:16-20
If you wonder if a thought or philosophy has merit? Examine its fruit. If you wonder if an activity glorifies Christ and edifies man? Examine the fruit. We are called to be careful, aware, and diligent. So, inspect the fruit before consuming it!
Living carefully,