Sunday, June 1, 2008

'Til we meet again

I set out to write this article on several different occasions, but each time the words I wanted to say just wouldn’t come. I’m thankful that I use a computer instead of a typewriter. Otherwise I’d be knee deep in wadded up papers that missed the overflowing trash can!!!

Eleven or so years ago I was standing in the doorway of my office at Manhattan Christian College when a fellow by the name of Wendell came along and stopped for a brief visit. I don’t remember the entire conversation but there is one part I hope I never forget. He told me that he had the perfect church for me – once he retired. Any guesses as to which church he was referring to?

At the time I had probably passed through Morrowville once or twice on my way to and from Nebraska, but I wouldn’t have been able to locate it on a map. I knew nothing about the community or the church Wendell was referring to and so I didn’t give what he said much thought.

Now, some would call it chance or circumstance – but over the years that followed I was slowly introduced to this wonderful church. Space doesn’t allow me to go into great detail about this introduction – but suffice it to say there is nothing about my relationship with this church that is by chance, instead each step of the way has been carefully orchestrated by God.

In 2005 my ministry began – and Wendell you were right – this has been the perfect church for me. I came here as a 45-year old rookie. There was nothing spectacular or special about me, yet I was loved and accepted from day one. And your love and support has continued even though it is three years later and there is still nothing spectacular or special about me!

Words fail to express my thoughts about each of you. You are all very important to me and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the time that we have spent together laboring for the Lord.  I love you!!!  Thank you for: loving me, loving the fellow (and his family) that follows me, and, most of all for loving the Lord.

When I was a kid I had several “favorite” TV shows. One of those was the Carol Burnett show. I enjoyed the antics of Carol, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman and the rest of the cast. At the end of each show Carol would always sing the same song. As I recall the words went something like:   “I’m so glad we had this time together. Just to have a laugh and sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you know it. Comes the time we have to say so long.”

I am so glad we had this time together – I consider it one of my life’s greatest blessings. But I’m not going to say “so long” like Carol did. So long is kin to goodbye and Christians need not say goodbye. Any separation we have is only temporary. Who knows, God may decide that we will serve side-by-side again in the future. And if He doesn’t, we know for sure that thanks to our Savior we will celebrate together for all eternity.

So – instead of good-bye – I say “See you later.” My sincere hope is that we meet soon and often. Please look us up when you are “in the big city.”  There is nothing that I’d love better than to spend more time with you.

Till we meet again,
