Thursday, December 31, 2015

Creature of Habit

I’m a creature of habit…

Years ago Sharon and I had a favorite lunch spot where once a week we’d enjoy lunch together. Every time we sat at the same table and ordered the same thing.  One day it became obvious that we were “in a rut.”  After sitting down at “our” table, I made eye contact with the waiter across the restaurant and gave him a nod of the head. And before long, our favorite meal was placed in front of us.

Lately, I’ve made a habit of getting fuel at a Dara’s store in northeast Manhattan. I stop here for two reasons. First, because a 44 oz. fountain drink is only 99 cents. Second, because across the parking lot is a Paradise Donut shop. (What a great name, huh!?!?)

My order is consistent - two “old fashion glazed donuts.” They are cake donuts and as they bake a little canyon forms around the top; a canyon that holds a lot of icing!  I’ve placed the same order so many times that now when I come in the gal behind the counter automatically begins grabbing a couple of these delights!

Did I mention that I am a creature of habit? 

With the dawn of a new year, many take a moment to look back to what has been and forward to what should be. Resolutions often result; dropping some habits and/or picking up some new ones. So at the dawn of a new year, I want to give you some encouragement.

The Hebrew writer wrote the following:

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25, NIV-84)

No doubt much of the success of the Christian life is about perseverance and persistence.  Each day often boils down to resolving to march right behind Jesus, letting Him lead no matter what.  The world and its desires continually attempt to draw us away from our commitment to Christ and to one another.  Tests, trials and temptations often serve to erode hope. Personal interests distract us away from one another. And if we aren’t careful a decision to deviate away one time easily becomes a habit.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Heb. 10:35-36)

So at the dawn of a new year, if you find that you are persisting and persevering then keep it up! Some habits need to continue.  Keep persevering. Encourage others to do the same. Always make meeting together a priority.

But, if you are honest with yourself and find that your habit has become being away from Christ, doing for yourself, and doing it alone, I want to encourage you to make a change.  Don’t throw away your relationship and confidence in Christ. Don’t become isolated from other believers, rejecting efforts from them to help you grow, and abandoning efforts to help them grow stronger too. 
May the year 2016 find you being a creature of habit – habitually spending time with Christ and celebrating Him – not alone but in the company of others whose habit is following Christ.

Excited live 2016 with you,


P.S. By the way, when I opened up the donut bag today (Christmas Eve) I found a surprise. I asked for and paid for two donuts, but I found a third. Merry Christmas!  It pays to be a regular.  J   But I also have some sad news...  I think my donut and Diet Pepsi habit needs to go. L