Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Siding with Truth

Do you watch TV news often? Read the newspaper?  If so, did you come across the following?
“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed.  Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked.”
I did. But I didn’t find it on the editorial page of any newspaper. It wasn’t on the evening news – not CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or FOX.  But it could have been.  Doesn’t it seem like justice and truth have been taking a beating recently?  Of course it isn’t new – living in truth has always been a struggle.
Back in 0 B.C. a snake slithered up to Eve, and whispered untruth. But, it seemed good so she and her husband ate what wasn’t supposed to be eaten.  Later, when God came strolling through the garden, Adam and Eve hid. This wasn’t an out and out lie, but it was an attempt to hide what they had done.  The Garden was the birthplace of dishonesty. 
Okay – it wasn’t fair (honest?) of me to imply that the words I quoted above were recently written.  The prophet Isaiah wrote them about 700 years before Jesus (Isaiah 59:14-15). Clearly Israel was struggling to reflect their Creator.  They had been created by Truth to live in and live out truth. But things weren’t going well.
What has changed since Adam and Eve?  Since Isaiah?  Since Jesus’ time on earth?
A few moments ago – just for fun – I completed an online survey to find out just how liberal I am. There were a variety of questions about social issues, domestic policy, education, health care, foreign policy, economy, immigration, and the environment. Here is a sample of the questions asked:
  • What is your stance on abortion?   Pro-life? Pro-choice?
  • Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming?
  • Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights?
  • Do you support Obamacare?
  • Etc.

I submit that if truth were applied to most, if not all, of these issues, we would not need to put them on an online survey!
What I didn’t realize about this survey, was that at the conclusion, my answers would be matched to presidential candidates to see who I sided with most often. Wanna know who that was for me?   I’d love to tell you, but I can’t. I’m a preacher, this is a church newsletter – therefore I have to keep my politics in my pocket – you know, that separation of church and state thing.
Anyway, I suspect all of this presidential activity will heighten interest in truth. Fact-checkers will dig back in an attempt to get to the bottom of statements, claims and activities.  Talking heads will spout opinions. Editors will editorialize. 
And while all that can be exhausting, I’m kind of excited for it. I would love for truth surge in popularity. And I hope any increase in interest won’t be fleeting. Our hearts are supposed to be in the process of transformation – to take on the characteristics of our Savior. Who once called Himself – the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  May His truth reign in us – and then shine out of us in ways that reflect Him into a world that is more desperate than it knows
Trying to side with Christ on every issue,
