In 1994 I received my first “32-bit” computer on my office desk. With this computer came a game called FreeCell and it quickly became a break time/lunch time favorite. Unfortunately space doesn’t allow me to explain the game for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, but suffice it to say it is similar to the game of Solitaire.
Before attempting my first game, I was told by a friend that there were over 32,000 possible combinations of cards the game would present. Some would be hard to find solutions and others would be easy, but he assured me that every combination was “winnable.”
He also shared that he was going to try to solve all 32,000 games in order. So, starting game #1 he was going to play until he solved that puzzle - then and only then would he move to the next game. It sounded like a fun way to play so I set out on my own journey to solve every game in order.
So, I also started on game #1 and I’ve been playing and solving games in order ever since. (For those of you who are curious I’m currently at game #12461.) Most days I play a couple games. Some have taken days to solve and others only a couple of minutes.
A few weeks ago I came to a game that proved to be a huge challenge – game #11982. I played it a few times and couldn’t get it solved. The next day I gave it another shot, but again I couldn’t find a solution. This went on for days, but try as I might I couldn’t hit on the right combination.
My string of finding solutions and moving on to the next challenge was in serious jeopardy and I was getting frustrated with ole #11982. I had never skipped over a game before, but it was getting very tempting. I had never asked for help before either, but after days and days of failed attempts I decided to search the Internet for a “solution.”
The information I found about ole #11982 came as quite a surprise. I had been playing FreeCell for 14 years under the assumption that every game had a solution. As it turns out every game does have a solution except for ole #11982!!! FreeCell experts have tried for years to solve this puzzle, rewards have been offered, and computers have “cranked away” for hours and no solution has ever been found.
Anyway, when I learned that ole #11982 wasn’t “solvable” I stopped trying to solve it. But I can’t help wondering if there wasn’t a solution out there. Is there someone who would know – someone who can make the impossible possible?
I wonder what Abraham and Sarah would say about the impossible becoming possible. Wasn’t Abraham 100 years old and Sarah 90 years old when their son was born? Would Moses have anything to say on the subject? Wasn’t he leading Israel’s escape from Egypt when Pharaoh’s army caught up with them and pinned them against the banks of the Red Sea? Could Gideon clear things up? Didn’t he find himself leading a band of 300 men armed with trumpets into a battle against all of Midian’s army? How about Peter? Wasn’t he the one who charged into the empty tomb of the man he saw die on a Roman cross?
What would they testify about the impossible becoming possible? I suspect their testimony would match that of the fellow who brought his demon possessed son to Jesus. When Jesus asked the man how long his son had been possessed, the man replied, “From childhood. It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." To that Jesus said, “`If you can'?’ Everything is possible for him who believes.” And immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:22-24) And Jesus did what no one else had been able to do – he healed the boy.
To quote an old hymn, “Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible and does the things others cannot do.”
Are you facing your own #11982? Hand your “impossible” over to Him --- He can handle it!!!